Week 6
This week we fixed last minute errors. Some students submitted their UI designs and prototypes so
they could get awards.
We also made logos on Adobe Illustrator. Finally, we did a quick review of what we did this summer.
We had an award ceremony
at the final class to celebrate everyone's web sites and designs. Summer School is over now!
Week 5
This week we added fancybox to our websites. We went outside and took some of our own photos. We also
learned about thumbnails. We drew logos too. Now we only have one more week of Summer School!
Week 4
This week we continued using Adobe XD to finish our prototypes. The last two days of the week I was
browsed Codepen. This week was pretty fun.
Week 3
This week I learned how to use Adobe Xd, Ai, and Ps. I made a prototype of my website. I added the
link of my
to my website. I wonder what I will do next week!
Week 2
I deleted all of the styling (CSS) that I did last week, and started adding essential HTML and CSS,
such as common structual markup (like header,
nav, footer, etc.). I was originally sad about deleting our CSS that we did in week 1. I also
created three category-based lists as the content of my home page. I then
created two sub pages: about.html and blog.html. After a lot of hard work, I had a like working web
site with three pages: Home, About, and Blog.
Week 1
I learned how to make a live website hosted on Github. On Github, I created a root username
named iwebstudent16.github.io.
This was a technical week. At the end of the week, I had a live, working web
site: https://iwebstudent16.github.io.